EWSETA AGM News Jan 2021


EWSETA Virtual Annual General Meeting

5 February 2021

In accordance with the EWSETA Constitution, as approved by the Minister of the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, notice is hereby given to all interested parties within the energy and water services sector to attend the EWSETA Annual General Meeting.

The main priorities of the AGM agenda are consideration and adoption of the EWSETA 2019/20 Annual Report and 2019/20 audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020.

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Lookin Back
AGM 2019

The EWSETA AGM held on 8 November 2019 at Randpark Golf Club in Johannesburg hosted over 200 EWSETA stakeholders. The theme of the 2018/19 Annual Report ‘Smarter Thinking – Greater Impact’ was carried through to the event. The Chairman of the EWSETA Accounting Authority, Frans Baleni, took this one step further and used his presentation to focus on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the implications of 4IR and technology on the energy and water sector.

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AGM 2019
Water Sector Skills Within a COVID-19 Context Water Sector Skills Within a COVID-19 Context

South Africa’s lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst necessary, has had a devastating effect on the economy and has left many South Africans without formal or informal means to earn an income. The COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic consequences require EWSETA to assess skills required to respond to the challenges, as well as empower the sector to exploit opportunities which may have arisen.

Read the full article here

EWSETA’s Contribution to South Africa’s Energy Transition

Whereas coal fired power plants contribute the lion’s share of power generated in South Africa, the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019, as well as the NDP 2030, envision an energy mix that includes renewable energy, oil and gas, as well as nuclear.

Read the full article here

EWSETA’s Contribution to South Africa’s Energy Transition
Lockdown Lowdown Lockdown Lowdown

More than 100 days have passed since South Africa went into lockdown. There is no shortage of information in the media on how COVID-19 and the accompanying lockdown has affected the many millions of South Africans. Possibly one of the most disruptive has been people’s ability to carry on working. From an EWSETA perspective, access to the offices has moved from no access at all at Level 5, to access with permits only at Level 4 and now at Level 3, access for no more than 50% of the workforce. What this means is that EWSETA staff have moved from working from home 100% of the time to intermittent access at the office.

Read the full article here

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Tel: +27 11 247 4700
E-Mail: info@ewseta.org.za

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