ENERGY SKILLS ROADMAP2024-04-23T13:25:41+02:00


Click on below links for SA Energy Skills Roadmap 2023

Report – SA Energy Skills Roadmap 2023
Executive Summary – SA Energy Skills Roadmap 2023
Press Release – SA Energy Skills Roadmap 2023
Launch Presentation – 27 January 2023

Database of South African-relevant green economy and energy skills based projects, initiatives, strategies and research

Decarbonisation (green economy)
All Sasol/NRF Enabling SA’s energy transition and green economy 2022 Sasol / NRF Project report Click here
All (focus on coal) A framework for a just transition in South Africa 2022 Presidential Climate Commission Strategy Click here
Oil / Gas / Petroleum Petrol stations, workers and the just transition 2022 Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
All Green jobs for young people in Africa: Work in progress 2021 IDRC / ILO Project report Click here
All Women empowerment and gender equality: Strategy for the energy sector 2021-2025 2021 Dept. Minerals Resources & Energy Skills strategy Click here
Coal Estimating the cost of a Just Transition in South Africa’s coal sector: protecting workers, stimulating regional development and accelerating a low-carbon transition 2021 Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa [Cruywagen, M., Davies M., and Swilling, M. Project report Click here
Renewable Perspectives on Advancing an Inclusive and Sustainable Green Economy in South Africa 2021 Green Economy Advisory Group (GEAG), in partnership by DFFE (SA); UNEP and BMU Project report Click here
Electricity Electrical-energy in schools with a focus on behavioural and efficiency interventions 2021 Jason Samuels / Stellenbosch University Academic thesis Click here
All Just transition and climate pathways study for South Africa: Decarbonising South Africa’s power system 2021 NBI/BUSA/BCG Research Report Click here
All Linking education and work in the South African energy and water supply sectors 2021 EWSETA/Wits/REAL Project report Click here
Energy efficiency South Africa: New learnership programme for HVAC skills development 2021 Johnson Controls Programme Click here
All Effects of decarbonization on the energy system and related employment effects in South Africa 2021 Environmental Science & Policy Journal Journal Article Click here
Oil / Gas / Petroleum Sector skills plan 2020-2025 2020 CHIETA Skills strategy Click here
Renewable Supporting just transitions in South Africa 2020 Climate Investment Funds Case study
Electricity A Skills Measurement Model For The South African Energy Sector: Applying The Analytic Hierarchy Process To The South African Electric Power Industry 2019 South African Journal of Industrial Engineering/ University of the Witwatersrand Article Click here
Coal Sector jobs resilience plan: coal value chain 2019 Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS), Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DFFE) & Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) Project report Click here
Renewable Future skills and job creation through renewable energy in South Africa: Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising the power sector 2019 CSIR Energy Centre, IASS Potsdam Project report Click here
All Climate policies and skill-biased employment dynamics: Evidence from EU countries 2019 Elsevier Journal Article Click here
All Skills development for a green economy: Industry analysis of the electrical contracting industry 2019 GIZ/SD4GE Skills strategy Click here
Renewable Green economy skills audit 2019 GreenCape / AltGen Research report Click here
All Skills for green jobs in South Africa 2018 ILO Project report Click here
All Green Economy Learning Assessment South Africa: Critical Competencies for Driving a Green Transition 2018 PAGE / Eureta Rosenberg, Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Presha Ramsarup Project report Click here
Renewable Climate jobs 2018 Institute for Economic Justice [Carnac, K. R., Naudé, L.] Policy brief Click here
Renewable An overview of the employment implications of the South African power sector transition 2018 South African Wind Energy Association [Tyler, E., Steyn, G.] Click here
Renewable The national skills fund and green skills: Towards a generative mechanism approach 2018 George Sauls / Rhodes University Academic thesis Click here
Renewable Barriers to greening the South African economy 2018 WWF / Federal ministry for the Environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety Project report Click here
Electricity South African Industrial Energy Efficiency Project 2018 Dti, Gef, Unido Project report Click here
Renewable A green economyindustry and trade analysis: Assessing South Africa’s potential 2018 PAGE / Dept. Economic Development / TIPS Research Report Click here
Renewable South Africa’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: Skills Availability Implications 2017 Pumla Myeki / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
All The state of climate change: Science and technology in South Africa 2017 DST / Academy of Science of South Africa Project report
All Analysis of the skills required for green economy: The local government sector perspective 2016 LGSETA Project report Click here
All Green economy learning assessment: South Africa: Critical competencies for driving a green agenda 2016 DEA / PAGE / UNITAR / Rhodes University Project report Click here
All Department of Energy Strategic Plan: 2015-2020 2015 Dept. of Energy Skills strategy Click here
Energy efficiency Knowledge and skills needed to implement energy managements systems in industry and commercial buildings 2013 Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership Programme Click here
Renewable Green jobs: An estimate of the direct employment potential of a greening South African economy 2011 IDC / DBSA / TIPS Project report Click here
All SADC Regional energy access strategy 2010 SADC Strategy Click here
All? 21st Century Power Partnership Clean Energy Ministerial (incl. South Africa) Programme Click here
Energy efficiency International certification programmes for the Association of Energy Engineers Southern African Energy Efficiency Confederation (SAEEC), UNIDO Programme Click here
Energy efficiency Energy efficiency and sustainability University of Cape Town Programme Click here
Digitalisation (Fourth Industrial Revolution)
All EWSETA Sector Skills Plan 2021/2022 2021 Energy & Water Sector Education & Training Authority (EWSETA) Skills strategy Click here
All Ten insights into 4IR in Mining 2021 PwC Project report Click here
All Economic recovery and reconstruction plan: Status updates 2021 Cosatu / NACTU / FEDUSA Project report Click here
All National digital and future skills strategy 2020 Dept. Communications & Digital Technologies Skills strategy Click here
All Building resilience in Africa: Enabling an inclusive digital economy and energy access for all 2020 SAIIA Policy brief Click here
Oil / Gas / Petroleum Future Skills Needs in the South African Chemical Sector as Influenced by the 4th Industrial Revolution and Green Chemistry 2019 CHIETA Project report Click here
All The fourth industrial revolution: Relevant skills required to survive and thrive in the fourth industrial revolution 2019 AMEU Project report Click here
All Towards a digital industrial policy for South Africa: A review of the issues 2019 CCRED, dtic, University of Johannesburg Research Report Click here
All Skills gap is stalling digital progress in energy sector 2019 Power Engineering International Article Click here
All Status of post-graduate research training in engineering in South Africa 2018 DSI / Academy of Science SA Project report Click here
All Creating South Africa’s future workforce 2018 Accenture Research report Click here
All Digitalisation and energy 2017 IEA Research report Click here
Decentralisation (Technology – moving away from bulk generation and provision incl. storage, electric vehicles etc)
Renewable From coal to renewables in Mpumalanga: Employment effects, opportunities for local value creation, skills requirements, and gender-inclusiveness: Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising South Africa’s power sector 2022 COBENEFITS / CSIR / IASS / IET / IKI Project report Click here
Solar & wind South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM) (in development) 2022 DME / dtic / GreenCape National strategy Click here
Hydrogen Minimum of 14,000 jobs a year from South Africa’s first hydrogen corridor 2022 FuelCellsWorks Article Click here
Hydrogen Sasol & Toyota SA Green Hydrogen Mobility Corridor (concept) 2021 Sasol / Toyota Programme Click here
Hydrogen Hydrogen economy will see no growth in SA without adequate investment into new skills 2021 Y. Pillay / CHIETA / Bizcommunity Article Click here
Renewable Quantifying Socio-Economic Benefits related to Renewable Energy Deployment in Mpumalanga. 2021 COBENEFITS Skills strategy Click here
Wind Wind Industry Internship Programme 2021 South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) / EWSETA Programme Click here
Solar Accelerators for green skills in solar PV energy transition 2021 Future Africa, University of Pretoria / Nepoworx Programme Click here
Gas South African Gas Master Plan 2021 Dept. Minerals Resources & Energy National strategy Click here
All EWSETA Sector Skills Plan 2021/2022 2021 Energy & Water Sector Education & Training Authority (EWSETA) Skills strategy Click here
Renewable REIPPPP: Bid window 5 bidders’ conference 2021 Indp. Power Producers Office (IPPO) / DME / DBSA / National Treasury Programme
Nuclear Nuclear Insights: Public acceptance of nuclear 2021 Knox Msebenzi / Black Energy Association Article Click here
Wind Design and Simulation of an Optimized Small Wind Turbine 2021 Norberto Sanjimba / DUT Academic thesis Click here
Electric vehicles Auto green paper on the advancement of new energy vehicles in South Africa 2021 dtic Project report Click here
Hydrogen South Africa Hydrogen Valley 2021 DSI / Anglo-American / Bambili Energy / ENGIE Skills strategy Click here
Electric vehicles Opportunities to develop the lithium-ion battery value chain in South Africa 2021 GEF, UNIDO, sanedi, dtic, DoT, DFFE, TIA, TIPS Research report Click here
Solar Solar PV industry jobs report 2021 SAPVIA / CSIR Research report Click here
Solar & wind Developing Developers programme 2020 South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) & South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) Programme Click here
Gas South African gas sector: Potential growth vision and opportunities 2020 Sasol Project report
Biofuel Collaboration in South Africa’s Forestry-products Biorefinery Innovation Systems: Examining the knowledge network of leverage professionals 2020 Nicola Jenkin / Wits University Academic thesis
Solar Socio-economic Impacts of Solar Energy in Rural Communities’ Livelihoods and the Scale/type of Technology Intervention: Case of Ingquza Hill Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa 2020 Sibulele Bongoza / University of Fort Hare Academic thesis Click here
Electric vehicles Electric Vehicles: Market Intelligence Report 2020 2020 GreenCape Research report Click here
Electric vehicles Harnessing electric vehicles for industrial development in South Africa 2020 TIPS Research report Click here
Storage Energy storage technologies will unlock a ‘new gold rush’ for South Africa 2020 SANEA Opinion piece Click here
Renewable Future Skills and job creation through renewable energy in South Africa : Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising the power sector 2019 COBENEFITS Project report Click here
Renewable Atlantis Renewable Energy Challenge 2019 GreenCape / City of Cape Town Competition Click here
Renewable Future skills and job creation through renewable energy in South Africa 2019 CSIR / IASS / IET Project report Click here
Solar Investigating the root cause of solar power unsustainability in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa 2019 Bantubenzani Mdlolo / DUT Academic thesis Click here
All CSIR presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy 2019 CSIR / Department of Science and Innovation Project report Click here
Electricity An overview of the employment implications of the South African Power Sector transition 2018 SAWEA Project report Click here
Renewable A talent management framework for the South African Renewable energy sector 2017 Brent Hare / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
Storage Battery bank design and installation for PV and RE (BATRE) 2017 Energy Training Foundation Programme Click here
Storage South Africa energy storage technology and market assessment 2017 US Trade & Development Agency / Stellenbosch University Research report Click here
Wind Assessment of training skills needs for the wind industry in South Africa 2017 GIZ / SAGEN Research report Click here
Nuclear Developing skills for neutronic modelling of nuclear power reactors in South Africa 2016 Gezekile Nyalunga; Vishana Naicker; Maria du Toit / NW University Project report Click here
Renewable A comparative assessment of the socio-economic and spatial factors impacting the implementation of renewable energy in marginalised communities: the case of Inanda and Bergville 2016 Suveshnee Munien / UKZN Academic thesis Click here
All EWSETA Strategic Plan 2015-2020 2015 Energy & Water Sector Education & Training Authority (EWSETA) Skills strategy Click here
Renewable Utility-scale renewable energy job creation: An investigation of the South African Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPP) 2015 Sarah Stands / Stellenbosch University Academic thesis Click here
Wind Sustainable training support framework for the wind power industry in South Africa 2015 Cayleigh Barton / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
Wave & current Implementation plan for the Stellenbosch wave energy converter 2014 Stellenbosch University Academic thesis Click here
Solar “Investigation of the Solar Energy Production and Contribution in South Africa “ 2012 Silas K. Mulaudzi, Mammo Muchie, Rudzani Makhado / Tshwane University of Technology / City of Tshwane Project report Click here
Nuclear Technician level needs and skills development guidelines for the South African nuclear energy industry. 2012 Titus P. Nampala/North West University Academic thesis Click here
Hydroelectric Developing operational skills to operate and maintain hydropower plants 2010 KGRTC Research report Click here
Wave & current The role of the coastal engineering consultant in harnessing ocean energy 2008 WSP Presentation Click here
Biofuel North-West University (NWU), NRF Research Chair in Biofuels 2007 NWU / Agriculture Research Council (ARC) Programme Click here
Renewable North-West University (NWU), Renewable Energy Research & Development NWU Programme Click here
Renewable Nelson Mandela University (NMU), Centre for Energy Research (CER) NMU Programme Click here
Renewable Stellenbosch University, Centre for Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES) Stellenbosch University Programme Click here
Renewable South African Renewable Energy Technology Centre (SARETC) Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Programme Click here
Biofuel Installation of biodigesters in rural communities to produce biogas Agricultural Research Council (ARC) / Dept. Agric., Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) / Norway Research Co-operation Programme Click here
Coal (clean) Power plant brings reliable electricity, skills development to South Africa Black & Veatch / Eskom Programme Click here
Wave & current Prospects of risks of marine renewable energy Blue Economy Future SA Research report Click here
Deregulation (market structure; regulation)
All Local government energy efficiency and renewable energy strategy guide 2021 SALGA / Sustainable Energy Africa Project report Click here
All Energy management as an element of a financial efficiency strategy: A case of the City of Tshwane 2020 Lekgatla Maubane / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
Renewable Climate finance to transform energy infrastructure as part of a just transition in South Africa 2020 UCT / IKI GIZ / DIW Berlin Project report Click here
Electricity Advancing finance revenue through sustainable electricity distribution: Emalahleni Municipality 2019 Tabisa Nkopo / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis
Renewable The development of a socio-economic model to promote women empowerment initiatives in the renewable energy sector of South Africa. 2019 Harvey Keown / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis
All Skills for green jobs in South Africa 2018 ILO Project report Click here
Renewable A theoretical model for successful management of revenue for beneficiary communities of renewable energy companies in South Africa 2017 Ricardo Amansure / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
Renewable New roles for South African municipalities in renewable energy: A review of business models 2017 South African-German Energy Partnership / GIZ Project report Click here
All Sustainable Energy Solutions for South African local government: A practical guide 2017 Heinrich Boll Stiftung / Sustainable Energy Africa / SAMSET / USAID / Brot fur die Welt Programme Click here
All The development of a green energy sector model for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 2016 Mbavhalelo Ramagoma / Rhodes University Academic thesis Click here
Renewable Renewable energy production as means for local economic development in eThekweini Municipality 2015 Thobeka Radebe / UKZN Academic thesis Click here
Petroleum A critical evaluation of institutional architecture for effective policy implementation, oversight and accountability in the energy sector of South Africa: A petroleum perspective 2015 Msuthukazi Makiva / UWC Academic thesis Click here
Renewable An enabling environment for independent power producers in renewable electricity 2014 Vivian Palmer / Nelson Mandela University Academic thesis Click here
Other useful sources, projects, research and activity – however, don’t go into skills details
Renewable The state of renewable energy development in South Africa: An overview 2021 O. Akinbami, S. Oke, & Bodunrin Journal article Click here
Gas & renewable Accelerating South Africa’s energy transition with gas power and renewables 2021 GE Project report Click here
All International Just Energy Partnership with South Africa 2021 European Commission Programme Click here
All 2030 South Africa roadmap: Multiplying the transition: Market-based solutions for catalysing clean energy investment in emerging economies 2021 BloombergNEF / Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Project report Click here
All Soft skills, hard skills: What matters most? Evidence from job postings 2021 Elsevier Journal article Click here
All Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2021 edition 2021 World Economic Forum Project report Click here
All Assessing policy barriers to the energy transition in South Africa 2021 Elsevier Journal article Click here
Coal (clean) Making sense of jobs in South Africa’s just energy transition: Managing the impact of a coal transition on employment 2021 TIPS Policy brief Click here
All Climate change and a just transition: The opportunities and risks for South Africa 2021 DFFE (presentation to Cosatu) Project report Click here
All Commission 2: Mining and energy 2021 Cosatu Project report Click here
All New Forms of Work:Skills demand and supply in the changing world of work 2021 Department of Labour Project report Click here
All Energy Risk Report 2021/22: Recommendations for decision makers 2021 EWSETA/SANEA Project report Click here
All The economic contribution of the downstream oil industry to South Africa in 2019 2021 FTI Consulting/South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) Project report Click here
All Circular economy as a development opportunity 2021 CSIR Project report Click here
Renewable Digitalisation and sustainable energy transitions in Africa: assessing the impact of policy and regulatory environments on the energy sector in Nigeria and South Africa 2021 Energy, Sustainability and Society Journal / Fortune Nwaiwu Journal article Click here
All CSIR, Siemens partner to boost South Africa’s 4IR competitiveness 2021 CSIR / Siemens Article Click here
Coal (clean) Comments on potential impacts of proposed new coal generation under the South Africa 2019 IRP 2021 Centre for Environmental Rights Research report Click here
All The South African economic reconstruction and recovery plan 2020 SA Government National strategy Click here
All Global value chains and labour market dynamics in South Africa 2020 Sayers, Esau, Lundall, Selemani, Dudley & Emmett Project report Click here
Renewable Skills for energy in Southern Africa 2020 Sida / ILO Research report Click here
Storage South Africa: Eskom battery storage programme 2020 Eskom Programme Click here
All Integrated Resource Plan 2019 Dept. Mineral Resources & Energy DME) National strategy Click here
All A skills measurement model for the South African energy sector: Applying the analytic hierarchy process to the South African electric power industry 2019 South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Journal article Click here
All National Employment Vulnerability Assessment: Analysis of potential climate-change related impacts and vulnerable groups 2019 TIPS Project report Click here
All Machine learning in energy economics and finance: A review 2019 Elsevier Journal article Click here
All The future of work 2019 BUSA / ILO Project report Click here
Coal The end of coal? Planning a “just transition” in South Africa 2019 Stockholm Environment Institute Research report Click here
Storage Large-scale battery storage opportunity in South Africa 2019 Eskom Research report Click here
All Literature Review of Skill Shortage Assessment Models EnergyREV Project Report [Wendy – this should be moved to other sources below as no specific skills details, but reluctant to move and muck up the system] 2019 University of Bristol,UK Project report Click here
All Green Transport Strategy for South Africa: (2018-2050) 2018 Department of Transport: South Africa National strategy Click here
Coal Coal strategy 2018 Chamber of Mines Strategy Click here
All Estimating the Current and Future Skills Demand of Government’s National Growth and Development Policies 2017 HRSC Project report Click here
Renewable Electricity supply in South Africa: Path dependency or decarbonisation 2017 TIPS Policy brief Click here
Storage Energy storage could become a future industry in South Africa 2017 IDC Research report Click here
All Skills supply and demand in South Africa 2016 HRSC/DHET/UCT Project report Click here
Renewable State of renewable energy in South Africa 2015 Dept. of Energy (DoE) Project report Click here
All Approaches and methods for understanding scarce skills occupations in South Africa 2014 HSRC Policy brief Click here
Wave & current Assessment of the ocean energy resources off the South African coast 2013 Stellebosch University Research report Click here
All Regional infrastructure development master plan: Energy sector master plan 2012 SADC Strategy Click here
Coal (clean) A review of the current and expected underground coal mining methods and profiles and an evaluation of the best practices associated with these 2011 Dougall, André William/Wits Academic thesis Click here
Biofuel Biofuels industrial strategy of the Republic of South Africa 2007 DME Strategy Click here
Energy efficiency Energy efficiency strategy of the Republic of South Africa 2005 DME Strategy Click here
Electric vehicles Electric Vehicles Initiative iea / Clean Energy Ministerial Programme
Wind Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA) DMRE, SANEDI, CSIR, SAWS, UCT, DTU Programme Click here
Energy Emerging themes and priorities of GH2 research to support public and private sector objectives 2023 H2.SA (Green Hydrogen South Africa), Deutsche Gesellschaft für, Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH,
Bonn and Eschborn, Germany and SANEDI
Research Report Click here

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