Discretionary Grant Project Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a critical tool that EWSETA deploys to ensure that the projects being implemented, are progressing according to the project implementation plans and that the training is being conducted according to the regulatory requirements and is of quality. It is also an early detection mechanism of any challenges within a project that may cause the project to be delayed and not concluded as per the initial project completion dates, allowing EWSETA and the project implementers to proactively mitigate challenges.
This process requires very close collaboration between the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) and the Provincial Operations Department. M&E reports are used for the approval of project tranche payments (especially for trade related interventions)
Exit Moderations
When a learnership or skills programme has been concluded, the training provider needs to apply to EWSETA for exit moderation to take place. This is a requirement for both SETA-funded and sector-funded interventions. This is the final step required before a learner can be registered as “completed” and issued with a certificate.
It is a process that is managed by the QAC to ensure that the assessment of the learning outcomes described in the NQF standards and qualifications is fair, valid, reliable, and unbiased.
The National Artisan Moderating Body (NAMB) conducts exit moderation for apprenticeships.
Congrats, Matric Class of 2024
So what’s next? Check out our Career Portal for more info.
EWSETA Office Closure
EWSETA Office Closure
EWSETA Performance Overview
View the EWSETA Performance highlights for the year 2023/24 .
Deadline Extended for AA Nominations.
Apply before 17:H00 on the 12th of December 2024. Submit your application to aanominations@ewseta.org.za
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